  • Regions
  • Click & Drag Waveform to Draw
  • Click to Play
  • Double-Click to Delete
  • Drag to Move
  • Drag Edges to Resize
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(" SELECT a.record_id, a.entry_title, a.related_thumbnail, a.related_text, r.weight FROM archive_relations r JOIN archive_records a ON a.record_id = r.related_record_id WHERE r.record_id = :rid "); $stmt->execute([':rid' => $recordId]); $directRows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $tagIdsStmt = $pdo->prepare(" SELECT at.tag_id FROM archive_tags at WHERE at.archive_id = :rid "); $tagIdsStmt->execute([':rid' => $recordId]); $myTagIds = $tagIdsStmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); $fallbackRows = []; if (!empty($myTagIds)) { // get other archives that share these tags $inPlaceholders = implode(',', array_fill(0, count($myTagIds), '?')); $sql = " SELECT DISTINCT a.record_id, a.entry_title, a.related_thumbnail, a.related_text FROM archive_tags at JOIN archive_records a ON at.archive_id = a.record_id WHERE at.tag_id IN ($inPlaceholders) AND a.record_id <> ? -- exclude the current record "; $tagStmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $params = array_merge($myTagIds, [$recordId]); $tagStmt->execute($params); $fallbackRows = $tagStmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); foreach ($fallbackRows as &$fb) { $fb['weight'] = 50; } } $allRows = array_merge($directRows, $fallbackRows); $tempMap = []; $finalRows = []; foreach ($allRows as $row) { $rid = $row['record_id']; if (!isset($tempMap[$rid]) || $row['weight'] > $tempMap[$rid]['weight']) { $tempMap[$rid] = $row; } } $finalRows = array_values($tempMap); usort($finalRows, function($a, $b){ return $b['weight'] <=> $a['weight'] ?: strcmp($a['entry_title'], $b['entry_title']); }); $finalRows = array_slice($finalRows, 0, 6); ?>